When Your Pet Dies.
Orang-orang yang tidak punya hewan piaraan bakalan
bilang, “Ah lebay banget lo!” “Apa seh.” “Iuh.”
But if you have a pet then you may know how it feels
when, or, if, they died…
My kitten-soon-to-be-cat, has passed away like two
weeks ago. And sometimes when someone asked about “what happened to him?” or his pictures showed up on my Mama’s
facebook, hah, i got drown in feelings. In memories.
Dia padahal begitu kecil. Dan dia Cuma, Cuma satu dari milyaran kucing
lainnya yang ditakdirkan buat singgah di hidup aku untuk sekejap.
But one thing I sure know.
loves me unconditionally.
my worst. On my best. On the day I thought I failed my exam. On the day I come
home so happily. On the day I come home with my shoulders shaking and tears
running. He’s there.
And that tiny little creature, means a lot to me. And
since I am very picky about taking
something as my pet, when I just found the one, and they are gone, yeah…
heuuum, ahahaha.
Kayaknya. Aku belum ikhlas sampai kemarin. Masih sering bilang, “ andai dicari sampai
sejauh itu.” “kenapa harus pergi?” “beneran pergi engga sih.” “masih kecil
banget.” “baru juga sebentar.” “andai, andai, andai…”
Jadi sekarang sudah ikhlas? Heuft, semoga ya, tapi sih, sudah mulai
Terkadang sudah yakin sekali, bahkan semesta mempunyai akhir. Apalagi kita? Yang tidak ada
setitik-titik acan jika dibandingkan dengan semesta?
It was short. In this temporary world, all relationship
comes to an end. (….)
Tapi waktu yang singkat itu, it’s just really worth it.
they leave, you may feel empty. And all you're gonna do is grieving all along the week.
It is okay. You'll learn to continue living. Like before. Like before.
Can I just hug myself.
Okay. Please be strong, dear me, or maybe, you who suffer the same.
Can we just have a toast of pizza? Because food is love. And love is books, food, and cat. And otters, too. And beavers. And children.
May we become our-productive-self-again.
p.s: You should search on YouTube: "When Pet Dies" or "When Cat Dies" . It helps.